O-k, I am so embarrassed that I have succumbed to the "theme" party. I am now among the ranks of uber-soccer moms that plan intricate theme filled parties. The thing is that I tried to leave the planning for Kate's 3rd birthday as a backyard BBQ, nice and easy. But Kate has been on me for weeks now, as she attends her friends’ parties and begins to see the theme element to a party, to have a Peter Pan Pirate Party. Now, I know, perhaps in partly in disbelief and part in sadness, that my girl, Kate, is not interested in pink fairies, tutus, princesses, baby dolls, or even ponies. (I have a sneaky suspicion she is just being contrary for my sake-you know a prequel to those teenage years-I mean what little girl would rather dress as a pirate than a fairy?) She's more turned on to snakes, lizards, and pirates. But for some reason, I just can't bring myself to plan a pirate-themed party for my 3-year-old girl. I know I shouldn't succumb to those gender stereotypes, but come on-a pirate? So, I made up basic invites and had them addressed and ready to go, when I heard her tell her Mamoo(Grandma)-that she, "really wanted a Peter Pan Pirate Party but Mommy said it just was too difficult to do." I heard it as a direct challenge. Damn it, the things that you find yourself doing for your child.....

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