Wednesday, May 17, 2006

First Steps

Today I took some first steps on my own. I think I took, like, five in a row, but I lost count after three. Learning to walk is both exciting and scarey at the same time. Exciting because I'm becoming a big girl, and scarey because I might fall. How I handle it is that I take a couple of steps and then plop down right away so that I don't fall. Mommy says I could take more if I wanted to, but what's the rush? Sometimes I build up a "momentum" and I can't stop. This is very scarey and exciting, and I can't help but to cry and laugh at the same time. I know I shouldn't cry, but I can't help it. What I really want to do is walk while carrying something, like the shampoo bottle. That really is my favorite thing to do. Mommy tries to discourage me from carrying things-she says "walking is hard enough, don't muddy the waters", but I feel so "self-sufficient" when I can get to where I want to go and bring what I want to with me. I don't listen to her and I realize now that I don't always have to. I like to test her. Why you might ask is it that I like to carry the shampoo bottle around, well there are two reasons: one, Mommy doesn't allow me to play with it, and two, I value clean hair above all else.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Almost One

One Month
Two Months

Three MonthsFour Months

Five Months
Six MonthsSeven MonthsEight MonthsNine MonthsTen MonthsEleven Months

My Eyes Aren't Blue Anymore

This was taken when I was about 4 months old. I used to have blue eyes. I don't know what color they are now.

After a long, hard day of exploration-there's nothing like an afternoon nap.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Look, Ma, No Hands!

I can stand all by myself!

My New Friend, Emma

In Atlanta, I met a new friend, Emma. Right now she's too little to play with, but Mommy and Daddy say soon she'll be crawling around like me. Right here, I am pointing to the fan for her. I think she might like ceiling fans too! Already something in common. I wonder if she likes doggies?

Road Trip

Here I am, on my way to Atlanta for the weekend. Mommy and Daddy don't think anything of jumping in the car and driving forever. I can't say that I like it much. Right now, it's o-k, I'm reading my favorite book, Mermaids. I really like this book because it sparkles and has many parts that feel funny.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Nap Time

This is what I look like when Mommy doesn't force the nap issue. I just didn't want to take a nap this afternoon. Mommy was a softy today-she didn't push it. Look how happy I am when she came to rescue me from the confines of my crib. However, I did find out later that mommy MAY have been right. Not napping was fun for a while, but later I freaked. As a matter of fact, I look a little freaked here. Mommy should have known better.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Another Big Milestone

Mommy made a big deal about this, I really don't know why. I always have been able to put the cup back on the table, I just thought it was more fun to throw it on the ground. Mommy made such a fuss when I set it on the table, maybe I should start doing that more?

Cottage Cheese

I tried cottage cheese for the first time today. I thought it was really wierd, I don't know if I like it-the texture. Mommy mixed applesauce with it, but it still didn't change the texture. Mommy said it's yummy, but I didn't see her eat any. On the other hand, Mommy stupidly gave me strawberries right after this shot. That was the end of that cheese stuff. The rest of my lunch was great!

Monday, May 01, 2006

What Are You Looking At?

This is my new favorite-my red wagon. I love this wagon. I know you can't tell by the picture, but going for walks while Daddy pulls the wagon is the best. I have my serious face on, I thought I looked more intelligent and would be taken more seriously this way.

The Boss of the Playground

Today I went to play with my friends. This is Miller, she's my friend, but she is much younger than me. I need to show her the ropes. Today I showed her what a ball is. As you can see by the picture, Miller is very interested in all that I have to say. (Right after this picture was taken, Miller tried to eat my shoes-what can I say, you know babies.)

Bood, Sweat, and Tears

I love all of my toys, and usually they can be quite fun. However, Mommy and Daddy got me this walker. I really love it, but at times it has a mind of its own. I hate it when it just won't move. I walked the whole way down the hallway with it, and then it just stopped. Mommy says to be patient and move it away from the wall. Easy for her to say-she's the one taking the picture.