Thursday, April 03, 2008

Take a Picture of Me- I'll Hold the Road

Mommy has finally rearranged her to do list to include updating this BLOG. I am a real big girl now-just a little under 2 months until I become 3!!! And you should see all of the things I can do. The biggest and best accomplishment has been the potty. I am getting real good at going on the potty. I don't especially like it, but I do it anyhow just to get a sticker on my chart.
Right now I am into snakes. We had a big, black snake on our deck last week, and since then, I am ga-ga over snakes. All kinds of snakes. Mommy even gave me some pretend rubber snakes (6 of them) and I take them everywhere and show everyone them. I even sleep with them. Anyhow, here is a video of me, in case you haven't seen me in a while. I only wish I could have had my snakes in the picture...

Another highlight came at Easter when we went to Atlanta to visit Uncle Pat and Aunt Traci. We went to the Aquarium and I LOVED the penguins and sea lions. We also went to a surprise party for John's 40th birthday, but I missed out on the surprise. I don't like it when everyone sings and shouts "surprise" so I hid in the bathroom with Mommy. Here are a few pics. from the road trip!

Atlanta or Bust!

Check out these fish!

The Easter Bunny came to visit me in Atlanta, but I was very concerned about him. See, I saw him in the mall. I didn't want to go and talk to him, so I just waved at him. But after we left, I got to wondering if that big bunny talks? I mean, I have seen bunnies before and they don't talk, but that big Easter Bunny looked like he was talking to the kids. That really freaked me out. I didn't want to go to sleep because I did not want that big, talking bunny to come up to my room. Mommy and Daddy promised that he would not come to our room, and sure enough he didn't-he just left me a basket full of treats! I just don't know what to make of this big, bunny fellow. It's kind of wierd.

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