Sunday, April 30, 2006

Balloons and Lollipops

A couple of 10 Month Firsts: My first balloon and lollipop. As you can see, life is grand.

Three Babies and a Water Bottle

A water bottle and a couple of friends-what else does one person need?

Look Mom, No Pants!

I had a great time this day! Mommy and I went on a picnic to Shelly Lake. We watched the ducks and went for a walk. Then we came home and listened to The Jungle Book on record and played with my blocks on the floor. You can't tell by this picture, but I didn't have any pants on! What a day!

Ear Infection

I have been feeling like crap-I'm not even kidding. Mommy took me to the doctor and I have an ear infection. I have a runny nose that won't stop. I am feeling a little bit better today, thank goodness. The only good thing is that I can eat all the green beans I want.

First Teeth: 9- 10 Months

Finally, those buggers came through! In this shot, you can clearly see that I have my first two teeth on the bottom. About a week or so later my two front top teeth made their journey through the gums. I am quite irritable these days, easy to snap. I can get away with a lot more from Mom and Dad because they feel bad. They blame all my fussiness on "teething". Even if I wake up a bit early, they say "Aww, she must be teething". It's great, the other day I got ice cream because Mommy thought it would help my gums. I need to try to drag this teething out for a long while, the perks are unbelievable!

At 10 months, I Can...

I can point, stand by myself, drink from a cup, crawl, and clap. I can also do many other things that Mommy hasn't taken a picture of yet. Like, wave hello and bye-bye. I am very good at that.


Lately, Mommy and Daddy have been taking me swimming. I don't know how I feel about it, just yet. Right here, I am liking it. What I do know is that I like the toys that my teacher brings. She holds them under the water and expects me to put my face in and get it. Silly lady, I'm not falling for that one.

A Picture of Nine Babies: Impossible

1st Try

2nd Try
3rd TryA Picture of Two Babies: doable

Friday, April 28, 2006

Rigatoni With Meat Sauce

I am quite proud of myself here in this shot. I mean, I did this all by myself.

In her Easter Bonnet...

For Easter weekend, we traveled up to Maryland to visit Gram and Granddad Haver and Grandma and Juzy Elias. I was spoiled rotten, it must have been this frilly dress. I learned to woof like a dog, which always got a rise out of the folks. I even managed to talk a little gibberish that sounded an awful lot like granddad-they think I'm gifted. However, my favorite trick is pointing. I'm quite good at it. Here I am pointing with my left hand, I can also do my right hand. In Maryland they have lots of ceiling fans, which I am quite impressed with. Mommy even takes me to Lowes sometimes to see the fans. Boy, the pointing I do there! Granddad thinks its a shame that Mommy won't get a fan at home. Mommy doesn't think they are "aesthically pleasing" in our house. I think she's crazy. Daddy says that we will "compromise" and get a fan on our front porch. Mommy likes that idea, but she won't hold her breath.

You Could Be In the Pictures

Rock On

Who In the Hell Are You?

Nudes in Polka Dots

Ode To An Old Friend...

Oh, Bouncy Seat what would thy have done without you? Your dependability can be matched by no other. Your comfort is supreme. When I am with you, I feel at ease. I miss you, my Bouncy Seat, you always knew how to please.

Leave Me Alone!

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Some snapshots from that first week...

I wowed them right from the start-look how I can clasp my hands!

Taken exactly when I was one week old-we were at the hospital getting my bilirubin levels checked. I still have nightmares about those daily heel pricks.

Right from the womb! (This isn't Tom and Katie is it? You are thinking of naming me after your favorite fruit, are you? Whew....)
See they put those stupid bows in right from the start. And we wonder why there are gender stereo-types?!!!

We all had those days...