Sunday, November 15, 2009

Disney World

This November we took our fall trip to Disney World. Don't know quite what I was thinking, as I was never there before. But, we thought the timing was right. Well, we had a good time, none the less, but I am not sure that we will be planning another trip to this "magical place" any time too soon. We like our vacations to be relaxing. It is definitely possible to get Disney over-load... But, Kate had a fantastic time, and it was neat experiencing it with the story is always told. You know, it is funny there, tons of people with millions of children...and parents trying to make a magical time for their children. And at the same time I have never seen so many tense and angry, fighting people in one see tons of screaming crying, tired, and miserable kids, with their parents pulling and dragging them through yet another line and a another magical experience...great people watching for sure!

From disney

The View of the Castle...

From disney

Henry enjoying all of the Disney eye candy...
From disney

From disney

Flowers at Disney (one of the only "real" things I saw in the land of fake...
From disney

Kate at Minnie's house...
From disney

Take a break here at our Slide Show...You might even feel like you were there...Maybe we can save you a trip...

Say Cheese....
From disney

Saturday, November 14, 2009


This Halloween was pretty low-key, as we
were off to Disney World the next day. But, we had a good time none the less. Kate made it around the entire loop this year,
gathering as much candy as she could. Exhausting. This year Kate was a grasshopper, and I have to say the costume
turned out very cute. I lost steam in handmaking Henry's, so since he doesn't know any better, he was a store-bought monkey...

From october 2009
The Gang

Monster Eyeballs
Mummy Meatloaf


Here are some photos from late October...we visited the pumpkin patch and then spent the weekend in Atlanta visiting the Clemente's and the Wright's. We had a very good time...

From october 200
Henry at the Pumpkin Patch

From october 2009

Pumpkin Patch

From october 2009
The Atlanta Aquarium: Jellyfish

From october 2009

From october 2009

From october 2009
Henry in Natural Light

From october 2009
Big Lips

From october 2009
The ATL's very own "Deepo" (take off of Nemo)

From october 2009

From october 2009

From october 2009

Sister and Brother
From october 2009
Super Emma

From october 2009

From october 2009