We are in the process of working on our thank you notes for the bounty of birthday presents that Kate received from friends and family. I have morphed into teacher mode as I am becoming relentless in working with Kate on writing her name. True to form, she can not be bothered doing anything of which is asked of her by a third party. Stubborn is not the word for it, that would imply run of the mill strong-willed child...No this one is more than stubborn, she's crafty. (Do you know many other toddlers that will not poop in the potty, but insists on changing her own pull-up-without help? That's a story for another day...) When I finally convinced her to sit down and try to write a "K", she came out with this...
See, what I mean. I think she has been tricking me all along, perhaps she has been able to sign her name for months now. She just has been too stubborn to show it. I did have to help with some of the letters(especially the "E"), but I call it a win as this was the first time she would even humor me by even attempting to write her name. We take it when we can get it....I guess they all regress to the norm. At least that is what I learned in my Probability and Stats. class....
This is Kate's representation of Neverland for the Thank You notes. Very abstract...
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