This weekend we went to visit Mamoo and Grandad in Maryland. Kate had a total blast and was quite sad to leave. We have been having quite a lot of dialogue about consequences lately and she couldn't wait to tell her Mamoo and Grandad all about consequences. For example, the night before she wouldn't pick up her toys and was told that the consequence would be for Mommy and Daddy to take her buddies (stuffed animals) out of her room. That consequence hit it where it hurt as Kate holds two categories of her toys above all others: her buddies and her books. Anyhow, when Grandad accidently locked Kate and Mamoo out of the house, Kate was quick to point out that there should be a consequence for Grandad. The consequence quite logically was to take Grandad's toad(a quite ugly garden statue sort of thing) away. She was relentless with the consequence and she is now upstairs now sleeping with Grandad's toad...
Before we headed back to NC, we stopped in DC for a visit to the Natural Science Museum. Kate loved the museum, especially the dinosaurs. Here are two pictures of Kate holding some bugs-I really don't know where she gets this fascination for all things creepy crawley...
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