Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thursday Tutorial: PJ Pillow Part 1

 I wanted to make little throw pillows for K and HD to put their pajamas in each morning.  After a couple of tries, this is what came out

Here are the rough steps in making your own pajama pillows. The key to this project is creativity.  You can make your pillow in any image that fits with your child, but for this tutorial, I'll be demonstrating with the Super-Kid pajama pillow that I sell at my shows.

Step 1- Gather your Materials:

I use soft flannel, but really anything can work.  I have made them in fleece, which while more expensive, it does give the added benefit of not fraying so you don't have to take care of the rough edges.  You'll need fabric for head (1/2 yardish), fabric for hair (1/4 yard if that), fabric scrap for mask, scraps for eyes, thread, scissors, and a dinner plate.
tracing head front

Step 2:  Trace Patterns:

Using a fabric marker, trace around the dinner plate on the head fabric for the head front.  Then take that circle and fold it in half.  Trace a rough semi circle using the head front as a guide adding 4 inches to the straight edge to allow for overlap and finished straight edge for the flap opening.  Trace another semi circle similar to the first.  These 2 flaps will overlap to form one complete circle the same size as the head front and these 2 together will be the outside  head back.  You will also need to trace 2 more semi circles like the last two.  These will become the inside pillow back.
 tracing semi circles for outside head back and inside pillow back

Add 4 inches to each semi circle so that one overlap the other leaving room for a finished hem on each straight side.

You should end up with 4 of something like this for outside head back and inside pillow front.
At this point, let me explain that you are making a double envelope opening pillow-2 pillows in one.  One pillow (the inside pillow) will be stuffed and sewn shut.  The outside pillow flaps will be left open to store the pajamas in it.  It sounds much more confusing then it is.  It will make more sense as we move through the construction.

Now trace on the hair fabric some front hair fringe that will fit the top of the head front, and trace the back hair that will fit on the top of the outside head back.

hair front fringe
hair back

Now trace a mask that is the same width as the head front.  I made this one blue.  Cut two eyes that fit to scale with the mask.


Step 3:  Cut Pieces:

You should have:

  • Head front circle
  • Outside head back (2 semi circles, that overlap to form one circle)
  • Inside pillow back ( 2 semi circles that overlap to form one circle)
  • Hair front fringe
  • Hair back
  • Mask
  • Two eyes
Step 4:  Applique Face

Set and pin the hair, mask, and eyes to head front.  Using a washable fabric marker, sketch a nose and mouth to your liking.  Applique each piece to the head front.  I used a small and tight zig zag stitch.  If you are using fleece, you could just sew it on with a straight stitch as it will not fray.

When it comes to the nose, I used pink thread and a heart satin stitch on my sewing machine.  

sewing back hair to outside head back
For the mouth, I used red thread and a think triple stitch to embroider the mouth.  Naturally there are many other ways to do this appliqué.  For example, the whole face and hair could be embroidered.  Do what you like best and feel most comfortable with.

Lastly, sew the back hair to the top half of the outside head back.

Place pieces for appliqué 
Part 1 complete…next week, we will put it together and sew it up.  Then finally finish the pillow by stuffing a sewing...

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