Anyhow, I snatched up two skeins, and went to work using the Neptune's Tears pattern from Ravelry and my Taiyo sock yarn...One week later, I had this...
While I love the pattern and the yarn, I'm not crazy about the wild blue stripe. But then again, that's Noro's charm.
Then next day, as my Neptune's Tears shawl lay blocking, I happened to find myself in another one of my favorite yarn shops...and again I was bitten by a lovely lace shawl on display, The Elise Shawl. This pattern can also be found via Ravelry. Again,coincidentally(?). I spied a beautiful, but coy skein of fingering weight Malabringo Rastita in Iris. This skein screamed for my fingers to knot it up into this beautiful lace Elise Shawl. You got to feel this stuff. SOOO silky. And because I don't live in Russia or the Antarctica where 100's of shawls would seem somehow appropriate, this shawl would be for my mother. So ka-ching, I got down to work. And a week later, I came up with this:
Then as a treat to reward myself for standing in line at the post office to post my Mom's shawl, I again, found myself at my local yarn shop. This time Elsebeth Lavold's Silky Wool winked at me. I tried to play hard to get, but I wanted to try my hand at something a bit more structured, an exploded lace pattern from Doris Chan. After a bit of math to determine the proper amount of skeins, and then a whole lot of knotting, I came up with this (the picture doesn't do a justice):
For the grand finale, I'm working another Elise Shawl up in a creamy ivory in Lavold's Silky Wool... All this to say, if you know me personally, don't be surprised if you receive a shawl for a special day in your life...I'm hooked at the moment....
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