Where do I begin? Recently I purchased a new friend, a Nikon SLR camera. I can not tell you how many days and nights this new friend has filled. However, with the advantages of this purchase there also has been some side effects: the never ending need of new computer hardware and software to play with these new pictures and the additional hours spent processing my new raw photos. So I say all of this to give reason to my procrastination as to posting the following pictures. And any of you that have worked with raw photo files knows the learning curve and computer system slow down that follows when working with such huge files. (However happily, my Christmas List now contains a new computer to help handle this new found hobby, a photography class to help me handle this new camera, and a photo processing and editing class to help me handle my new computer and software. Peter is so happy I have picked such an affordable pasttime.)
The passing of October has closed a month filled with much traveling and the end of a long year for us personally. It has been a nice month visiting friends and family and capturing the beauty of New England in the fall. Here are some snapshots from the early part of October:
Kate Blue Mouth at Ava's first birthday party
Kate and Daddy at Chapel Hill Planetarium
Pretty Red Rose
Chapel Hill
Not Quite Getting How to Look Through a Kalediscope
Pretty Yellowish Rose
Three Men and a Little Lady
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