We had quite a huge snowfall for NC standards the other day. Kids were screaming from miles around. Kate was excited, not so much for the blanket of soft, fluffy snow, but the fact that she didn't have school. (Not quite sure how to feel about that one...) Anyhow, I woke up early and couldn't believe my eyes, and I wanted to wake her to share in the excitement. But she slept in and when she did get up, I showed her the snow and she said ,"o-k, but would it be o-k if she read a couple of books in my bed?" Like I said not the most demonstrative child. When she saw the kids sledding and asked what were they doing with those surfboards. We are a product of our environment.
So we bundled up and headed outside. Her enthusiasm was mild and she tolerated it for a small bit, but really as you can see by the video-she ain't no snow bunny. Suits me fine, I rather spend my time on the beach than up on a snowy mountain any day. Just the same, here are some pics from the snowy day and a video of Kate "enjoying" herself in the snow.
The Snow Angel from Carrie Haver on Vimeo.