While up North, Kate experienced her first ice cream truck experience. Obnoxiously, I photoed the entire event, as I haven't seen an ice cream truck for such a long time. I guessed it might have been due to the rash of ice cream truck crimes in the 80's or 90's. I remember hearing a lot of ice cream trucks being reported as drug dealing and pedophile vehicles. This was around the same time that trick or treating became deadly. You know when people were poisoning Halloween candy and putting razor blades in apples; when kids had to start going trick or treating in the daylight. So this got me thinking, so I googled it. Much to my delight the ice cream truck business is still alive and kicking. My favorite post was Satan's Ice Cream Truck
http://www.laist.com/2008/03/05/satans_ice_crea.php (you have to check out the picture with the goth kid, buying ice cream with the sound byte of the music). I also enjoyed
http://icecreamtrucks.com/ revealing to me, that I can, myself, bring back the ice cream truck. Hmmmm.
BTW, might benefit this guy's business to update his homemade fashioned ice cream truck with stuck on decals and buy the real thing. (I even think he had a portable radio with ice-cream truck music blaring out the window.) It was a bit scary walking up to him. The ice cream truck union needs to elevate their standards and rise above the bad press if they are ever to enter back into the world.
"I'll take the one with the most chocolate."
"Cool. Thank you,"
"This is so crazy-ice cream from a truck?"