We had Tshirts made up. A couple of weeks ago, we headed up 'North' to visit with friends and family for two week excursion. Here's the tour file(warning:there are a lot of pictures as I was playing with my new camera. Which ROCKS by the way! If you are viewing them straight from the email BLOG update notice, you might want to click onto the link to visit the actual BLOG online):
First stop: Luray, VA. To visit with Uncle Mark and Aunt Stacy. and of course, Flip and Maggie.
Look how awesome it is at their house: the view from their back deck...They had cows...
A couple of pictures of wild flowers. I always loved Queen Anne's Lace....
Just a cute one of Kate in Virginia...
Cowgirl Kate on her way to the Luray Reptile Zoo. As you can see Kate takes her reptiles very seriously...
A monkey at the reptile zoo.
In a galaxy far, far away...
Next stop-Baltimore, Maryland to visit Uncle Chris, Aunt Laura, Jack, and Anthony. What a fun night: we played Star Wars, here's Jack Skywalker:
We got our groove on:
and we read stories:
Little man, Anthony...
Eating Chex Mix...
The Clouds in Pennsylvania: