Mommy takes me to storytime at the library every week. I love the library, not because of the storytime so much, but because it is great fun to run through the book shelves. It's a great game. Usually, we go for the first part of story time (maybe one story and a song), and then I just can't take it anymore. I need to be free and run through the library, so I start misbehaving and then we leave the story time and run through the library. Today, I rather enjoyed storytime, I can now see why all of those kids stay put and listen. I made it through two stories (One of which was
Goodnight Gorilla-my fav!), two flannel boards (one of which was
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see? Another one of my staples!), and of course two songs. It's too bad that the lady said it was the last story time for over a month-until the fall.