For Easter weekend, we traveled up to Maryland to visit Gram and Granddad Haver and Grandma and Juzy Elias. I was spoiled rotten, it must have been this frilly dress. I learned to woof like a dog, which always got a rise out of the folks. I even managed to talk a little gibberish that sounded an awful lot like granddad-they think I'm gifted. However, my favorite trick is pointing. I'm quite good at it. Here I am pointing with my left hand, I can also do my right hand. In Maryland they have lots of ceiling fans, which I am quite impressed with. Mommy even takes me to Lowes sometimes to see the fans. Boy, the pointing I do there! Granddad thinks its a shame that Mommy won't get a fan at home. Mommy doesn't think they are "aesthically pleasing" in our house. I think she's crazy. Daddy says that we will "compromise" and get a fan on our front porch. Mommy likes that idea, but she won't hold her breath.