My Mommy is crazy. You might wonder what I have been up to, well Mommy has been crazy at work designing onesies and starting a "cottage industry". She has me involved now, modeling her wears. Because of her new fascination of all things handmade, she never has time for this BLOG anymore-she's to busy making things. But, I have been creating some pretty amazing work myself. I can now jump, a feat that has taken weeks in the making. I also am very good at climbing on the furniture, especially standing on chairs-my favorite thing to do. I have mastered some new words, my favorite being "helffff" which I say when I want someone to "helff me" get something that I probably should not have which beyond my reach. I also learned about something called "the temper tantrum". This is when you want something, say a bright red, new Elmo doll, and your Mommy or Daddy said no. You can do two things, they way I see it: 1) do nothing, or 2) scream loudly and for extra affect, throw yourself down on the ground and kick and pound your fists. It really gets some attention and you can see Mommy and Daddy all stressed out. However, I am not so sure if it works because I didn't get that red Elmo, but I did get out of that stupid store. Maybe I'll try again? I am also learning something they call, "table manners". After I threw my grilled cheese in the restaurant, and practically took someone's eye out, Daddy said it was time soon enough to eat like a cilvilized human being. Now, I am getting the hang of "table manners" by not throwing my food. However, I freaked when Mommy said that another part of table manners was not spitting already chewed food out when I rather not eat it anymore, or not puting my rigatonis in my ears. Mommy said Rome wasn't built in a day, so I guess that means "Table manners" aren't either.